How do I update the programs, services, or amenities listed on our facility's profile?

How do I update the programs, services, or amenities listed on our facility's profile?

  1. Log in to your Dashboard here.
  2. From your Dashboard, click the “Update Programs/Services” link under the “Facility Profile” section on the left side of the page.
  3. From the “Update Facility's Treatment Programs and Services” page, you can select treatment and services offered, types of therapy offered, concerns treated, languages offered, and facility amenities by typing and/or selecting them from the drop-down lists that appear. 
  4. Check any of the boxes that apply to your accepted age groups and setting (inpatient/outpatient). 
  5. Add any text you would like to include about specific populations you specialize in working with.
  6. After you have made any changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the “Save” button before navigating away from the page. If you do not click “Save” before leaving the page, your changes will be lost. 

Tip: When writing or editing text for the Programs and Services page, it’s a good idea to copy and paste the text into a separate document (such as a Word document) before attempting to save the page you are working on, just in case an unexpected error prevents your edits from being saved on our site.